10 ways to speed up your WiFi

Speed Up Your WiFI

Slow internet causes disappointment and ultimately leads to frustration. Regardless of whether it is a movie you intend to catch or last minute work submission, nothing is as bad as internet problems hindering your activities. Whereas you could wait for the connection to resume and stabilize on its own, there are some tricks that you could use to remedy the situation all by yourself.
So, check out the tips that are certain to speed up your WiFi:

Wireless security

Did you know that leaving your Wi-Fi unsecured compromises on your security? When multiple foreign devices are connected to your Wi-Fi, it considerably reduces your bandwidth which slows down your connection. To deal with this situation, you have to secure your Wi-Fi with a password that is encrypted using technologies such as WPA2. Just visit the admin page of your router and modify the configuration. Be sure to use a password that is easy for you to remember.

Try repositioning the antennas

Often, antennas need to be positioned in a way that they can receive the full signal. If you align your antennas wrongly, then you are likely to distort the incoming signal which causes downtime on your end. You can, however, counter this problem by positioning the antennas in a perpendicular manner. Keep one horizontal while placing the other in a vertical manner. Devices such as Apple Wi-Fi and Netgear needed to have their antennas positioned perpendicularly so as to achieve maximum signal.

Elevation and centralization of your router

Simply put, elevation of your router means placing the router in the middle of the room where there is likely to be no obstruction. Additionally, it is even better to put the router in an elevated position as it propagates the signal downwards. If you intend to have the Wi-Fi used all over the house, then you might have to place the router where it is central, and the signal can spread all around evenly.

Powerline network adapters

People who live in multistory buildings find it practically impossible to locate their routers in a central area. As such, their next best alternative would be to use powerline network adapters. Usually, power line network adapters function by utilizing the electrical wiring on the walls of the building. All you have to do is to connect your router to the powerline network adapter using an Ethernet cable. The connection will be delivered once you have connected and powered up all the devices.

Wi-Fi planning and analysis tools (Heat mapping)

Heat mapping software refers to programs that have been designed specifically to detect and display Wi-Fi coverage within a defined geographical area. Once you have scanned your house and discovered how it is distributed in your house, you can align and reposition your router so as to get maximum reception.

Change to a frequency of 5 GHz

Routers and other Wi-Fi devices utilize 2.4 GHz and 5GHz spectrum to propagate the signal. The 2.4 GHz is used in areas that have relatively few devices that can connect to the Wi-Fi. If you use Wi-Fi in a crowded area or a place with numerous other devices, you might want to consider switching to 5GHz.

Try less overcrowded places

Crowded neighborhoods or buildings with various other Wi-Fi propagating devices often interfere with each other especially if they are operating on the same frequency. Signal interference is a serious cause of downtime as some signals cancel out each other. Try using applications such as WifiInfoView or Wi-Fi analyzer to know which channels are available and which ones are not.

Upgrade your router

Wireless technologies are quickly evolving with newer, faster and efficient devices being launched every year. If your router is older than five years, then it is time for an upgrade. Try looking for newer models of your device and compare their specifications. If they differ considerably, then you might want to start thinking of doing away with your old model.

Use old routers as repeaters

A repeater is a device that is used to clean and amplify a signal on transit. Several tools are available for this function. However, old routers can do the trick as well. So, if you have old routers, you can use them as wireless bridges for your Wi-Fi. You only need to install custom firmware, and you are ready to go.

Seek assistance from your ISP

At other times, the problem at hand may just be too big for you to handle. In such cases, perhaps the problem lies outside your building. For instance, there could be no supply of internet from the ISP due to technicalities on their end. At this point, seeking their assistance is the next best alternative.

There is no question about it. Having a stable internet connection is highly beneficial for your business and personal life. Fast and reliable internet means that you are available for interaction with your clients and provides for smooth operations. Feel free to contact us, or better yet give us a call, and we will be glad to help.

