Entrepreneurs in the IT industry are faced with a plethora of challenges, biggest among them being the availability of proper equipment to ensure smooth running of the business. Business equipment must be up to date to ensure success but few are able to keep up owing to high costs of upgrading. Rather than continue working with obsolete equipment, enterprises in this situation usually resort to Hardware-as-a-Service better known as HaaS. This is a lease’ program in which businesses get the equipment they need for a monthly flat rate and receive upgraded ones every three years at no added cost. This ensures that businesses always have the computers and servers they need – but there are more benefits of HaaS to enterprises:
Reduced costs
There is no doubt that heading to the shops every three years for new IT equipment is a costly venture for majority of businesses. The lease model of HaaS makes it possible for businesses to conserve funds and direct them to more pressing needs. In this way, firms are certainly able to save on resources that would have been used to buy hardware.
Latest technology
HaaS grants access to modern hardware equipment that businesses wouldn’t have if they had to buy upfront. It would be such a loss disposing off old equipment to create room for new ones but with the HaaS arrangement, the provider upgrades equipment at no additional cost on your part. Access to latest equipment means smoother running of operations which in turn increases your profit margins
Many small businesses simply neglect maintenance of equipment as it is an expensive gamble but Hardware-as-a-Service provides a great workaround on that. The service provider has a duty to conduct regular maintenance to keep all equipment running as it should. Businesses can therefore rest assured that they will not suffer due to unexpected system failures. Maintenance, monitoring and support offered by the service provider leave the in-house IT team free to focus on other aspects of the system.
Ease tax and accounting burden
With the Hardware-as-a-Service solution equipment is listed as a service and not an expense. This decreases their tax obligation in a world where conducting business is much harder owing to high taxation. Small businesses acquire state of the art equipment without incurring taxes and HaaS also reduces the chances of incurring more debt. This gives organizations more flexibility to grow by freeing resources for expansion.
Change is inevitable and in the world of technology, things are moving very fast. Businesses that don’t keep up with the pace are eventually compromised and surpassed by competition. Upgrading your IT equipment doesn’t have to be expensive with ingenious solutions such as HaaS but even then, entrepreneurs need much guidance. If you are trying to figure out more cost-effective methods of saving on equipment contact us now. We have the skills and desire to help you take your office to the next level without burning holes in your pocket. With guidance round the clock, your office will always boast the latest technology at low costs and without much risk associated with buying upfront.